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Securing and Protecting your Domain

Domain V. Domain NameEvery domain and domain name is unique. Your domain is a place people can go when scouring the internet. Just like your home or office space is…
Business Online Web Computer

Web Apps and Intellectual Property

It is no secret that the internet and social media specifically are at the center of our everyday lives. Apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and similar platforms make it…
Best IP Lawyers Gavel

Computer Law and Intellectual Property

Greenberg & Lieberman are not just an intellectual property law firm. With the various backgrounds in economic, sociology, technology and more our team possesses we deal in many facets of…
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Owning a Copyright

Expressing something in a fixed format opens the door to copyright ownership. A United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patent attorney search will show according to the copyright laws…
Trademark Attorney Writing

Understanding a Trademark

What is a Trademark?A trademark is intellectual property consisting of  an easily identifiable design or symbol such as logo, colors and more. Some of the largest brands are easily recognized…
Inte;;ectual Property Attorney Seal Contract

When Is It Time To File A Patent

In searching for the right patent law attorney you will find why it is just as important to obtain a patent for your invention. While the why is critical, knowing…
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Why is Patent Counsel needed?

The process of obtaining a patent to your invention can be a difficult and confusing process without the guidance of a patent counsel. The steps of the patent process overview…
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The Four Types of Intellectual Property Rights

There are four primary categories of Intellectual Property Rights. These include, copyrights, patents, trademarks and trade secrets. The Attorneys at Greenberg & Lieberman Law Firm specialize in each of these…

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