Domain V. Domain Name
Every domain and domain name is unique. Your domain is a place people can go when scouring the internet. Just like your home or office space is a place you frequent in person, a domain is a location that can be frequented online. A domain name is often referred to as the sequence of words and symbols made up to be that exact address. Domain names are also your advertising sign and may include the name of your business, usually containing some word that represents you or your business and indicating the type of information someone might find there. While no two domains or domain names are alike, multiple people can have access to them. Domain names are incredibly valuable to the right business just like finding the right lot to build your home, domain names are the foundation your business is located.
Acquiring a Domain Name
When you are ready to buy that lot and put up a business, the next step is to meet with an IP lawyer to help obtain the domain name. Some of the main steps in acquiring the right domain name for your business start with a lot of intellectual property research to ensure you are not utilizing a name that is too similar to be confused with an established and registered brand. The IP lawyer, often referred to as a “qualified intermediary,” will review all legal documents associated with the transaction, confirming that they comply with the relevant law, and satisfy himself that both parties understand the agreement into which they are entering. Greenberg & Lieberman has domain name accounts at over 40 registrars and an IOLTA account specifically designed for this purpose. Greenberg & Lieberman have an online portal to help you start this transaction
A few key notes to research will also be to the benefit of your consumer or target audience for things such as ease of spelling and how easy it is to type into a browser without getting confused or hitting incorrect keys. One you have landed on a domain name you will need to be sure it is available and not already purchased by a competitor in the field. You will register your domain name through third parties specifically to help you secure the domain of your choosing this is where Greenberg and Lieberman can help. We will walk you through the whole process to ensure your domain is protected once secured. Note that your domain can be acquired for up to 5 years and the renewal of your domain will need to be unkempt so no one can swoop in and purchase should your registration lapse. Because your domain names are also your advertising sign and may include the name of your business they are important to protect like a copyright, trademark or trade secret would be. This is why it is critical to have the help of Intellectual Property attorneys near me.
Greenberg & Lieberman, LLC are Intellectual Property Lawyers for decades and are recognized across the United States and Internationally as one of the leading litigators of Intellectual Property Law. Contact us today if you have questions about your IP Rights or believe your intellectual property rights have been infringed.