One of the dangers of having a trademark is that it can become generic if you do not police your mark. A simple example of this is Google. To “google”…
There’s good news in the IP law field for people who live in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is opening a new branch in Dallas.…
Patents are invaluable when it comes to protecting your idea or invention from those who would seek to use it for their own gain. A patent marks it as your…
When it comes to trademarks and logos, many companies and organizations take it very personally when another uses a version of its logo for their own purposes. The Steelers and…
Large tech companies run on secrecy. Just a leak about a proposed product can make other tech manufacturers rush to market or announce their own products around the same time…
The 2016 U.S. Election season is underway, but what does that have to do with IP protections? Sure, at least one candidate every cycle seems to use a song at…
As you may have heard in the news, the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP has just reached their final agreement. All that remains now is for it to be ratified among…
Intellectual Property, or IP, is a very lucrative commodity in the digital age. Everyone with an idea, from entrepreneurs to business owners, has a stake in the game of intellectual…
India has a concept called Geographical Indications, or GI as part of their intellectual property rights laws. A similar concept exists in other countries across the world. This right is…
The variety of IP protections out there can be confusing, and as IP gets more international other countries may not have the same fine distinctions that we do. The USPTO…