Intellectual Property Blog


TPP Reaches Final Agreement

As you may have heard in the news, the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP has just reached their final agreement. All that remains now is for it to be ratified among…
money globe

Who Owns IP When You’re an Employee?

Intellectual Property, or IP, is a very lucrative commodity in the digital age. Everyone with an idea, from entrepreneurs to business owners, has a stake in the game of intellectual…

India Struggles with Improper GI Registrations

India has a concept called Geographical Indications, or GI as part of their intellectual property rights laws. A similar concept exists in other countries across the world. This right is…
United States Patent and Trademark Office

USPTO Releases Intellectual Property Icons

The variety of IP protections out there can be confusing, and as IP gets more international other countries may not have the same fine distinctions that we do. The USPTO…

US and China Come to Agreement on Cyberwarfare

Corporations may worry about cyberattacks from foreign nations like China, but the US and China just came to an agreement that they will not support or conduct cyber-enabled theft of…
pirate flag logo

Internet Piracy Arguments Flawed

The internet makes it very easy to transmit vast amounts of information to any computer connected to it. This has enabled great strides in human advancement and creativity, but it…

Know Infringement when you see it

Intellectual property can be confusing to a new business owner. It can be instructive to look at past intellectual property cases and see where and how infringement may have occurred…
Quizno's subs

Burning Man and Quizno’s in IP Spat

The line of what constitutes fair use and parody can be a tricky one to find without help. Both parody and fair use protections are built into intellectual property laws,…

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