Intellectual Property Blog


Copyright laws were designed to recognize the creative rights — and their resultant profits — that artists and authors possess in the creative works they contribute to society. Accordingly, such…

Cyber Piracy Law: Domain Names and Right of Privacy

Causes of action for the use of someone’s famous name are CyberPiracy, unfair competition and false advertising in the nature of false endorsement which is essentially the federal equivalent of…
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Social Media Sites and Intellectual Property

Social media sites are the “go to” Internet forums for fun and e-commerce. Internet users spend a great deal of time at these sites, not merely for pleasure, but also…

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Before you begin Help

APLegal Help Titles, names, short phrases and slogans This is one of the most common areas of confusion for people seeking protection of their intellectual property — please be sure…

Domain Name and Trademark Dispute

Domain names and trademarks are related, but not the same thing. The rights derived from each are very different. Trademark rights flow from use of a mark for goods or…

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